Booking Information


Opening Hours:


Monday: Closed


Tuesday to Friday:


Lunch: 12:00– 14:30 

Dinner: 18:00 – 22:30




Lunch: Closed

Dinner: 18:30 – 22:30





Holiday Hours:


Saturday 5 Dec: Open for both lunch and dinner

Christmas Day Lunch: 12:00 - 14:30

Saturday 26 December: Closed


Friday 1 January - Sunday 10 January (inclusive) - Closed

Monday 11 January: Closed




Tel: +44(0) 020 7183 6425

[email protected]



*If your preferred time is not available and you would like to book a table larger than 6 people, please contact our team directly and they will do their best to accommodate your request*

*Please be aware that for all the reservations of 6 people and above we need the credit card details to secure the booking*

***Max seating capacity: 75 guests